Ceremonies and Traditions before Nyepi

(Pictures shot in 2006)
The days before Nyepi, the Balinese New Year, are filled with ceremonies. Every area in Bali has their own specific traditions. Here some 360 degree panoramas from a ceremony in temple Pura Segara Penimbangan, and the village of Tukadmungga, both in Buleleng, North Bali.

The ceremony in Pura Segara Penimbangan is attended by various villages from the area, amongst others Panji and Pemaron. The people walk (at least most of them) in a parade from their homes to the temple on the beach, taking attributes from their "home temples" with them to have them cleansed and renewed. (Prelina)

The spears you see carried by the men, are meant to keep the evil spirits at a distance.

In Tukadmungga there is a traditional ritual on the day before Nyepi. A cow is slaughtered and the skin is layed with ceremonial honours on the road. After sunset and the finishing of the regular ceremonies, a few teams fight to get the skin of the cow, and the price is the meat of the cow. The team that first knows how to drag the skin in their area wins. (Gebeg Gebegan Sampi)

The links to the panorama's open a new window or tab. Panoramas are mobile friendly.

Men with Spears at the Beach

Men with Spears at the Beach

Open: Men with Spears at the Beach Panorama

Playing Music near the Temple

Playing Music near the Temple

Open: Playing Music near the Temple Panorama

Prelina at the Beach

Prelina at the Beach

Open: Prelina at the Beach Panorama

The Crowd at Segara Beach

The Crowd at Segara Beach

Open: The Crowd at Segara Beach Panorama

In Front of Pura Penimbangan

In Front of Pura Penimbangan

Open: Front of Pura Penimbangan Panorama

Temple Ceremony Tukadmungga

Temple Ceremony Tukadmungga

Open: Temple Ceremony Tukadmungga Panorama

Ready for Gebeg Gebegan Sampi

Ready for Gebeg Gebegan Sampi

Open: Ready for Gebeg Gebegan Sampi Panorama


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