People and Places in North Bali

(Pictures shot in 2006)
These panoramas were made in Pemaron, North Bali at the house of the parents of my wife. You see the business of my parents in law, making (and selling) offers and selling gasoline. In the house you see more offers, part of them for Purnama, which is a ceremony performed every full moon, and part of them for a new house that will have its initiation ceremony tomorrow.

The kitchen is the kitchen of my grandparents, who live behind the Warung, and who I caught taking a nap. My grandfather claims he is the oldest man living on earth, he says he is 117 years old, but unfortunately he has no birth certificate.

The (beware large) panorama of the river is the "bathroom" of the people that live at the compound, there is no real toilet...

Bli Kadek, or Dekte for short, is the guy in the yellow t-shirt sitting opposite my grandparents, and my brother in law. You can hear him playing a authentic Balinese song here: Kadek plays a Balinese song

Read about and see the movie about the death and cremation of My Grandfather I Wayan Wandres. A part of the panorama below was used on his coffin.

The links to the panorama's open a new window or tab. Panoramas are mobile friendly.

Warung Making Offers

Warung Making Offers

Open: Warung Making Offers Panorama

Balinese House Interior

Balinese House Interior

Open: Balinese House Interior Panorama

Simple Balinese Kitchen

Simple Balinese Kitchen

Open: Simple Balinese Kitchen Panorama

Grandparents in Bedroom

Grandparents in Bedroom

Open: Grandparents in Bedroom Panorama

My Grandparents

My Grandparents

Open: My Grandparents Panorama

Balinese River Toilet

Balinese River Toilet

Open: Balinese River Toilet Panorama


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